Sunday, December 16, 2007

Free weight loss tips-balanced diet

Balanced, healthy eating is based on the "Food Pyramid" which contains
six main food groups. Eating a balanced diet means eating foods from
each of the six main food groups, each day and excluding fats, oils
& sweets.

The Food Pyramid (6 Food Groups)

1. Fats, Oils, Sweets: Use Sparingly
2. Milk, Yogurt & Cheese: 2-3 Servings
3. Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, Nuts: 2-3 Servings
4. Vegetables: 3-5 Servings
5. Fruits: 2-4 Servings
6. Bread, Cereal, Rice, Pasta: 6-11 Servings

you follow the recommended servings for each of the six food groups
(Fats, Milk, Vegetables, Meat/eggs, Fruit, Bread/pasta etc.) each day,
and choose lower-fat, lower sugar brands, you are sure to get
sufficient nutrients like: protein, vitamins, minerals and fiber.

choosing the lower number of servings from each group your calorie
intake should add up to about 1600 calories, per day. If you choose the
highest number from each group, your calorie intake should be about
2800-2900 calories, per day.

Food Pyramid Serving Sizes
Food Group Serving Size
Cereal, Rice, Pasta, Noodles 1 slice bread; 1/2 hamburger bun or
English muffin; 1 small roll, muffin, or biscuit; 5-6 small crackers;
1/2 cup cooked cereal, rice, pasta, noodles; 1 ounce ready-to-eat

Vegetables 1/2 cup cooked/raw vegetables; 1 cup leafy raw
vegetables; 1/2 cup cooked peas, beans, other legumes; 3/4 cup
vegetable juice.

Fruit 1 medium apple, banana, orange; 1/2
grapefruit; melon wedge; 3/4 cup fruit juice; 1/2 cup chopped fresh,
cooked, canned fruit (in juice); 1/4 cup dried fruit;

Milk, Yogurt, Cheese 1 cup milk; 8 ounces yogurt; 1.5 ounces natural cheese; 2 ounces processed cheese.
Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs and Nuts In this group 2-3 servings
equals 5-7 ounces of cooked lean meat, or poultry without skin, or
fish. Note: 1 egg (or 2 egg whites), 1 tbsp nuts, or 1/2 cup cooked
peas, beans count as 1 ounce of meat.

Fats, Oils and Sweets Use
sparingly. Note: Use fats/oils low in saturated fat. Unprocessed
vegetable oils are best. Avoid fats with hydrogenated fat or
trans-fatty acids.

Alcohol is not included in the Food Guide
Pyramid. But official advice is to limit consumption to two drinks a
day (male) or one drink a day, (female). [One drink = 12oz beer; or
1.5oz spirits; or 5oz wine.]

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